![Watch telugu movie rules [oct 2017] online](https://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/g/greathigh-power/20200126/20200126194056.jpg)
![watch telugu movie rules [oct 2017] online watch telugu movie rules [oct 2017] online](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3d/3f/e7/3d3fe77f3be54137aa272caeb7cc2647.png)
The new characters are established firmly from the start, but the story doesn't quite know how to advance from there, leaving the middle piece of the film a little laggy and repetitive.
While the increased focus on character is more than welcome (given how shallow the original series was), it gets a bit redundant a third of the way in. Most folks are going to come into a film like this expecting a super smash of monster on robot action, and although the back half of the film makes good on that promise, the hour and a half (!) that leads up to it might leave some viewers (especially the younger ones) a bit cold. In spite of the film's short-comings, all five actors are on point and keep things are lively as possible, even when the script fails them. Together, the five teens must learn to work together if they are to stop Rita's plan to end all human life. A glimpse into their respective home lives gives each character a little more dimension. These characters feel slightly under-cooked in comparison to the three "leads." Trini and Zack both appear troubled and withdrawn, proud conformists who are tough as nails. Rounding out the crew are Becky G as Trini/The Yellow Ranger and Ludi Lin as Zack/The Black Ranger. This version of Kimberly is a rebel and a frequent target of bullies (haters gon' hate). Naomi Scott steps into the role of Kimberly/The Pink Ranger. Stealing nearly every scene is RJ Cyler as Billy/The Blue Ranger, a brainiac who proudly confesses to being on the spectrum. Here we have Jason/The Red Ranger, the natural leader and jock with a heart of gold, as played by Dacre Montgomery. The kids all play variations of the characters we came to recognize in the original run. We're a long way from after-school Fox TV, friends. Likewise, villainess Rita Repulsa (Elizabeth Banks) is given ample time to roam and wreak havoc, as she murders her way across town in search of gold, all the while jamming some Social Distortion. Yep, even the Rangers' big-headed mentor Zordon and his haywire sidekick Alpha (played by Bryan Cranston and Bill Hader respectively) get some time to shine, as we learn more about how they came into contact with the power of the Rangers. In place of these elements are a stronger focus on character and backstory, as we not only get to know more about the teen titans, but also about their allies and enemies. Also missing in action is a great deal of the trademark humor and inherent corniness that made the original series so much fun to watch, even long after most of us had grown up and out of it. With a gang of fresh young faces in place, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers get back into action, sans the clumsy Mighty Morphin title. It also probably wants you to forget the atrocious 1995 film. That's right: everyone's favorite half-hour toy commercial from the '90s is back to kick nostalgic butt! The "Power Rangers" have been re-booted with a slickly made, big-budget popcorn flick that wants to remind you of your care-free childhood days spent in front of the TV. With the seemingly endless popularity of superheroes, robots, dinosaurs and gigantic monsters on the big screen, it was only a matter of time before a franchise where superheroes transform into gigantic robotic dinosaurs to battle gigantic monsters would be resurrected.
![Watch telugu movie rules [oct 2017] online](https://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/g/greathigh-power/20200126/20200126194056.jpg)